Grades 7 -12
Ways to get involved
Hilltop’s youth ministry program seeks to appropriately engage, instruct, equip, and challenge students to live their faith authentically. Fostering a culture of personal formation as well as community formation creates space for youth to wrestle with the essentials of the Christian faith in a world which is increasingly post-Christian.
Confirmation speaks to a pivotal point in the faith journey; this is when students grapple with what they believe and why they believe it so that they might truly claim faith in Jesus as their own... and in their own time.
Confirmation meets weekly beginning in September for students in grades 7 - 8.
Students will be given the opportunity to participate in a mission trip. Whether it’s across the street or across the world, students will come to know that there are tremendous needs to be met and that it’s our duty to serve as conduits of blessing wherever God may lead us.
The Youth Ministry Action Team looks for opportunities to get the youth OUT into the community for service, learning, and sometimes just for FUN! It might be a weekend retreat sponsored by the MN Annual Conference, a lake day, or packing meals for Kids Against Hunger.