Why Connection Is So Important
We long to connect with you as you follow Jesus because we know we are better because of you! Jesus calls us all to connect together with him as the vine of Christ (John 15), and we can’t and shouldn’t do that alone. John Wesley, one of the founders of the global methodist movement once said that the only holiness is “social holiness.” We can only discover more of Jesus’ breakthrough love and grace in our lives by following Jesus with one another. This is why we worship together, this is why we pray together, this is why we read the bible together, and this is why we SERVE the world together. Through it all, we’ve realized that being present in one another’s lives through the best and worst of times has made us all experience God’s great love for us in ways we never thought possible. Won’t you connect with us and experience that same love too?
The primary way adults of all ages and walks of life connect beyond Sunday morning worship is through Connect Groups, service, and leadership opportunities. Connect Groups are short term, relevant, discussion groups, with new groups launching every four months. There are a number of ways you can SERVE here at Hilltop, in our community, and globally. We provide opportunities for you to both grow and serve as a leader in our church and world.
We love having as many youth as possible in worship with us, and we love connecting with them beyond worship as well. Our Youth (7th-12th grades) gather every Wednesday night at 6:30 pm for worship, fun, and faith formation. Along with Wednesday Night Youth Group, our students connect through annual retreats, mission projects, and leadership opportunities in the church. Confirmation is offered for anyone 7th grade and up who longs to have their faith in Jesus confirmed in the church.
Our children connect with Jesus right alongside everyone on Sunday mornings through worship.
During the school year we invite kindergarten through 6th grade students to Kids' Connection each Wednesday evening at 6:30 pm.
A nursery is open year-round during worship and Kids' Connection. Beyond worship, we love to include and connect with children in as many of our church-wide events as possible.